Modern Elementalism
A website of philosophy
primarily dedicated to explaining and discussing the theory of Modern Elementalism
Welcome (serious) Philosophers
The theory of Modern Elementalism is primarily related to metaphysics, which is the branch of philosophy concerning the nature of existence. More specifically, the question if any part of existence is non-physical.
Etymologically speaking, “metaphysics” means “after the physics,” or “beyond the physics,” and this raises the question: is there anything “after or beyond” the physical? Do metaphysical things even exist? More importantly, if so, how do these non-physical things relate with the actual physical? This is what the theory of Modern Elementalism is proposing to answer. “What is mind” and “do we have free will” are primary targets of this inquiry.
Modern Elementalism concludes that metaphysical entities like ‘consciousness’ and ‘will’ do exist, and yes they work seamlessly with the physical as they have always done. Only not the way one would think.
A Brief Overview of Modern Elementalism
This pursuit is dedicated to all those who have laid on their backs, looking up at the sky (or ceiling) and wondered — what is my mind? What are my feelings? Do I have free will or is that an illusion?